
black cats across your path {ana/celestial}



6 Years
Extra large
02-04-2018, 11:59 PM


Orders had been given, and Kaine was more than ready to follow. Like a bullet from a gun, they took to their sister's commands. Follow the directions and hit the target. The pack of Celestial was a fair ways away, but they wondered if perhaps along the way they might run into Agria again. Their little pixie. Separated for far too long, they longed to see her again. Surely she would be rather miffed that they had been cooped up in their den for so long.

Large paws thundered fearlessly across the terrain with a rolling gait. With their sister by their side, they felt as though the world should tremble. Diplomacy was not their strong suit- their frivolities and pleasantries could only roll off the tongue for so long. The sandy beast got bored quickly. Today, they would test their boundaries. Seek to improve themself. After all, Amon had pulled them aside to say that their attitude during the raid on the mortal pack had been poor. That they had been foolish. Better now to remember how to keep themself in check.

"What do you think, Ana? The last of the mortal group had been a crowd of flighty little things, will this one be the same?" They drawled, grinning like a menace. Of course, they had gone with the intent to take the pack. This time, it was just a courtesy call. To examine the edges of the territories, and find out what they could. So far, it seemed like this area was lush. The scents of flora seeped into their nostrils.

The fog bank had loomed in the distance, keeping its grip on the faraway land even in midday. Perfect for Ana, and her tender flesh. A reprieve from the sun would be nice for her, and perhaps add an air of mystery to their encounter with this new pack. The godling couldn't help themself, not at all. A theatrical creature, and oh so vain.

Stinking to high heaven of mortals, the fog bank slid over their flanks with dewy fingers in their coat. A soft hum rumbled in their chest, mismatched gaze sliding over to their sister. Was she apprehensive? After all, she had children now. Which reminded them.. "I apologize for not coming to visit you and the children sooner, I have been... out of sorts as of late." They rumbled, brows pinched together for the barest moment. Contrite. "I promise to come visit soon and give you a break from the little monsters, free of charge." It was the best sort of offer they could give. Children were the future, and they were delightful when they were still small.

It was time to get back to business. They were very close to the scent markers, and it was time to cease the advance. Instead, skirting around the edges seemed the best plan. Nose to the ground, they sought out any useful scents. Almost instantly, the aroma of some prey could be found. Rabbits, in abundance. No doubt fat from feasting on the greenery that seemed to be overflowing here. By sight, there wasn't much to tell. This would be a stellar locale for an ambush. "Perhaps we should remain in each other's line of sight, just in case." Rough baritones would murmur over their shoulder, hoping Ana had not gone too far. "After all, we do not know much about this pack." There was an attempt at a jovial tone, there. Nothing too joking, for they were on a mission and seeming foolish wasn't in the cards for them today.
