
Now we're making some progress



7 Years
Athena I
02-05-2018, 12:10 AM

"No! You stay right where you are Argus! Don't you move from that ledge!" Pyre's ears flicked at the echo of a voice yelling a little ways down on the ravine. He turned his head and he could see the distant form of... was that a cat of some kind? It was odd looking, or at least unusual from anything he had ever seen or heard of. Mostly out of curiosity he turned and walked down to where the frantic looking feline was standing at the edge of the cliff. He peered over the edge himself and frowned when he saw the rainbow colored girl sitting there on a small ledge. "Well, shit," he mumbled. His eyes did a quick scan of the cliff side to see if there was any good way to get to her, but there really wasn't.

"Hey, uh, Argus was it? I'm Pyre. I'm gonna get you up from there, alright? Just stay still." From what he could tell she seemed to be fairly small, or smaller than himself at least, but he didn't exactly trust himself to just haul her up from there. There was a small ledge similar to what she was currently sitting on slightly to the left of where she was and maybe half as far down. He edged himself down carefully, sliding a bit as he did so. He hovered there for a bit to get his bearings and figure out his next move.

"Okay, Argus, can you-" he was about to tell her to try and climb up to where he was so he could help push her up onto the cliff edge where her friend was waiting, but he saw her eyes and realized how she probably ended up here in the first place. "You can't see, can you?" He didn't have to wait for her answer. He just sighed and frowned as he tried to think of the best way to do this. "Okay. I'm going to lean down and grab your scruff, okay? When I pull you up feel with your feet for the ledge I'm on." He set about doing just that, laying down on his stomach so he could shift forward and let just his forelegs dangle down. With his front half almost hanging off the edge he was able to reach where she was and he carefully took a mouthful of her scruff in his mouth and pushed off with his forelegs while he pulled them up with his hind legs.

The second she was on the same ledge as himself he let her go with a slightly relieved sigh. Step one done. Now step two. Quickly before this little ledge gave out preferably. "Okay, now just turn toward the cliff and try to climb up to your friend there, I'll help push you up." He helped guide to to face the rocks and once she got to jumping up toward the cliff edge he situated his shoulder under her so he could be like her step stool.

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