
Don't be afraid to catch feels

Echo I


4 Years
02-05-2018, 01:01 AM
It made her feel better to know she wasn’t the only one who couldn’t stand the bonechilling temperatures of the north. Though, she figured Pyre’s fur was more suited to the task of keeping him warm. Hers was all about keeping cool. Not ideal for freezing temperatures.

His little quip had her raising a singly brow, smirk drawing her lips faintly to one side. He was a smooth one, she wouldn’t deny that. ”I suppose if I had to entertain on the regular I could do a lot worse,” she teased, jokingly appraising him once more. He wasn’t unattractive, though she hadn’t really paid attention until just now.

His jest earned a snort, her gold eyes warming with amusement. ”Well, clearly you’re gunna need a new list. Maybe if you ask nicely I’ll help you make a better one.” Taking in the serious answer, she decided they were in similar predicaments, though he at least had someone he cared about here. If she wasn’t busy being admittedly a little bitter about how the events that lead her here went down, maybe she’d want to change that. For now, companionship was about all she was interested in. Anything else, no thanks. Not on the agenda.

Sinking a little lower by bending her knees, Echo shifted so she was almost up to her chin in the water. It felt fantaaastic. Thinking about it for a bit, she eventually sighed, ”I dunno, I mostly wanted to get here so I could get back to a familiar climate, but after that I haven’t any plans. Warm up, maybe do some exploring, meet new faces, steal some shit, go for a swim, catch some dinner, find a place to keep warm at night. The usual. You know the desert does get pretty chilly when night rolls around, so if you stick around you might wanna find somewhere to hole up in the evening.” The girl grinned, eyes dancing with mischief as she wondered if he’d call her on that little detail she skimmed over so nonchalantly in her to-do list.