
Never looking back



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
02-05-2018, 10:39 AM
Asvor couldn't help but wonder why it was that the gods had planned things this way. There was always a plan for them all, in particular her family, she knew that - why Valdis wasn't involved in it very frequently was beyond her. She could only hope that someday the strings of fate would be pulled in such a way that their destinies would be more intricately entwined. She'd always had faith in her gods and she hoped someday she would see exactly why things worked out as they had. For now, though, she would enjoy their time together - and she grinned widely when Valdis said she could rest and moved to lie against her. Even if she didn't necessarily need to - it was a good excuse to curl against her, something she hadn't realized she'd wanted until that moment when the opportunity presented itself.

She was grateful to feel the comfort of another against her. It was a feeling she hadn't felt in some time.. most wolves she didn't trust enough to even let them near her in that way, and it'd been a long while since she'd curled up with her siblings like when she was a child. "To the north again, I suppose. The last time I saw my sister Naudir we discussed finding a way to procure some kind of teacher for me so I can gain some healing knowledge. That might be a priority, as well as finding somewhere to settle down and maybe - if we're lucky - wrangle up the rest of our family. And what about you? You plan on climbing to the top of the ranks in Talis?" Asvor grinned again, pleased at hearing she was doing well for herself.