
All For You



10 Years
02-05-2018, 03:10 PM

Once positive their daughter had wandered far enough into the depths of the den to be out of earshot she could relax a little bit though tension still clung to her stubbornly. Her face became creased with worry as Zephyr recounted his own experiences during the takeover. Hearing that Ganta was dead, that had her heart breaking into a million pieces as she thought of his children and mate he left behind. He was a good man, someone she could get along with quite easily and whose company she’d enjoyed, and knowing he’d died at the paws of such evil made her both deeply sad and deeply angry. If she’d been alone she may have shed a tear or two but as it was she remained composed, wondering if she should seek out Roza eventually. To lose Ganta so suddenly and be left with one child while the other was still missing as far as Caelum knew… Unimaginable.

Gladness that her mate had escaped a sticky situation unscathed and made it to her side was overshadowed by the desire to try and shove him to the ground and interrogate him about why he thought it was no big deal to leave one of the only members that was still alive from their old pack to die alone at the hands of those wolves. She considered doing it, Sparrow or no Sparrow, but opted for cold fury hidden latent in her voice as she spoke, ”Oh, I see. You’ll have to elaborate on that story soon, my dear. The chill in her tone as glacial eyes would stare daggers into the man promised a tongue lashing for the ages, but she was still too polite to do it in front of Sparrow.

Moving to stand on his right, aiming to place one of her paws over his and sink her weight onto it so he knew this was just the beginning of the suffering he would see once they were alone and she could tell him off properly for abandoning someone like that, she looked over to Sparrow and smiled as warmly and sweetly as ever, though her tone took on a bit of a saccharine quality as she spoke, ”Thank you for all you’ve done, Sparrow, we appreciate it greatly. If there’s anything we can do to aid you at any time feel free to ask. We’ll have to discuss what we’ll be doing next, I’ll let you know when we come to a decision.”

[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]