
We Like It Loud [Pack Meeting]



9 Years
Extra large
02-05-2018, 08:32 PM

He was basking in the sun near his den after he had drug back a vary large doe that had been badly wounded. The wounds were fresh, possibly attacked the night before. Heavily crippled and worn out from running all night Frost had found it vary easy to take the doe down, to end her suffering and thank the gods for this unbelievable opportunity. This was a blessing for the pack and a way to end the suffering and pain of the doe. The male drug it back to the main den area of the pack and left it for any who found themselves hungry. Pretty soon he would need to be doing this a lot more often with tiny mouths that would need to be fed With their only pack hunter down and out he would need to try and multitask to keep the pack well fed.

Rory's howl drew him from his relaxing sun bathing and the tall male didn't hesitate to get to his feet. Rory was calling the pack together and he had to quickly get to the meeting and be prompt. It was his duty to aid Rory and this meant he had to try to be there before the rest of the pack. This was the first official meeting that Frost would be at Rory's side and the thought made the male proud to be in his current rank. Shaking out his coat he took off towards the call and made quick work of getting there.

When he arrived a warm smile spread across his mouth and his tail wagged in greeting to the younger male before taking his seat beside him to wait for the pack to arrive.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Art by Kanvos