
Don't be afraid to catch feels



7 Years
Athena I
02-06-2018, 11:08 PM

His amused grin grew wider as she fired her own little comment right back at him. He could make smooth lines all day long, but it wasn't any fun without an equally snappy response. He chuckled and shifted his position a little so that he was resting more on his side, lounging casually while keeping his gaze on her. She had a unique look and attitude that he hadn't seen in anyone else thus far so it was easy for her to hold his usually fleeting attention. "I can't say that I'm all that great at asking nicely, but I'll give it a shot for you," he replied to her comment about helping him make a new to-do list, smirking as he did so.

He was listening to her own version of an honest answer, idly nodding in agreement to each thing she listed... But then he did a bit of a double take as he ran down the words she said in his head. Steal some shit? For a second he wasn't sure he had heard her right, but when he saw the mischievous look in her eye and her grin he was absolutely certain he had heard her completely clearly. A grin pulled at his lips before he bust out into laughter. "Wait, wait, rewind a bit there. I have some questions for you. What shit are you stealing, who are you stealing it from, and can I help?" His tail wagged gently, patting the sand under him with soft thumps as he tried to picture them as sneak thieves. He was pretty sure he had never been sneaky a day in his life, but he could definitely see a little, dark colored girl like herself sneaking in under the cover of darkness and no one being the wiser.

"You must have quite the story, Echo," he added with a slight grin, assessing her with an interest that he'd never had for anyone before. "Part of me wants to hear it and part of me wants to leave you in this mysterious aura thing you have going on."

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