
Now we're making some progress



3 Years
02-06-2018, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2018, 11:17 PM by Argus.)
The voice of another drew her attention up towards Kami. Oh fantastic, another person to potentially laugh at her blunders. It was whatever though. Kami of course was relieved that someone was coming to her charge's rescue though.

The sliding of rocks and paws brought her face to look in his direction with a weightless gaze. His next few statements had her snorting. Wow, he was a quick one huh? "Nothing gets past you huh?" it was a smart ass remark meant to lighten the mood a little but likely hurt the guys feelings. She waited ever so patiently though for her "hero's" help. She figured she cou of of figured it out alone but his help would make it faster. She did appreciate it but after being alone for so long she figured she was better off that way.

His jaws on her scruff brought a sharp intake of breath to her mouth. She hadn't been stuffed since her mom, and even then she hated it. Then she was being lifted and her paws were feeling for the ledge. Her nose hit it first and then she was pushing with her forepaws at the ledge to get up. Then she was solidly footed once more and she was highly thankful for that. She didn't like feeling nothing with her paws. For a blind creature, not having a solid footing felt like they'd never be able to know where they were going again.

He was then instructing her again and she had to blink a few times confused. She thought she was already up al the way. Apparently not. She leaned carefully feeling for the side of the cliff and once she had it she was stretching herself towards the top. She was not built for mountaineering. Once she had her paws on it she dug her claws in and pulled with her paws while trying to hop upwards towards the top with her back legs. She was hoping he'd catch her and help.

If he did she then pushed off him and scrambled up where she found the edge of the ledge and pulled herself up. Where Kami happily greeted her by rubbing on her legs and purring. Lesson learned, the cliff was there. She moved from the edge and turned her head to the direction she came, hoping he was still somewhere near. "Thanks, names Argus Agatsama, and this here is Kamilah Gyptian. Hunter and healers by trade."

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.