
Now we're making some progress



7 Years
Athena I
02-07-2018, 12:18 AM

Once he saw her go safely over the ledge above him he breathed a sigh of relief and went to work pulling him self back up as well. He gave his fiery coat a shake and glanced back over his shoulder toward the steep ravine he had just crawled out of. He made a mental note to stay far away from here if for no other reason than to avoid any more "heroic" moments. At the same time though he was glad he had been around to help this girl out. He looked back at the rainbow girl what now had her cat-looking friend rubbing all over her legs. Now that he wasn't so worried about saving her from falling to her death, he had a moment to realize the odd variance in her scent from other women he'd been around. He'd also never met anyone that was more colorful than himself. Well, she was in a way. There was still plenty of more natural colored fur to balance it out.

When she spoke his gaze refocused on her face and he nodded out of habit before he remembered that she couldn't see him. "Sure, you're welcome. I'm Pyre Elementas." Normally he wouldn't bother including his last name, but not only did she tell him her last name, but she also shared her cat's last name so he figured he had to follow suit. If the scent of other wolves lingering on her had anything to say about it he had to guess she was in a pack. "What are you doing out here? This seems like a terrible place for you to be."

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