
Prepare to be Amazed



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
02-07-2018, 07:15 AM
With his peculiar hopping gait they had not made quite so good of time as some of the other pairs Pyralis had sent out on scouting missions, but Seth had felt a particular urgency to reach his destination and had forced himself to push beyond what he would normally have done. Pyralis being something of a loose cannon herself would not have seen a problem with sending out anyone who was a scout regardless of their personality but Seth was uneasily aware of the dangerous madness that threaded through their bloodline. Who knew what further damage might be done to the reputation of the family if they ran amok with no one about for damage control? And though he may not seem to, and perhaps had far less reason to than his relations, Seth cared deeply for his family's welfare. As a whole rather than some of the individuals, to be sure, but he would fight as hard as any to put the Abraxas name where it belonged regardless of how much of an embarrassment his existence might be for many of them. He would simply do the fighting in a way he was better suited for.

And he wouldn't let the Abraxas name be dragged through the mud because some of his relatives were madder than March hares. When he was done with Pyralis' mission he would find an excuse to stay north and continue on, even if he had to do so alone. Malleus after all would have duties as heir that he did not, and might not appreciate being dragged around the north on a fool's errand. Collecting herbs and learning more of healing would do well as an excuse, being necessary as well as convenient.

He had asked the titanous male to allow him to approach the pack borders alone. The effect of his own harmless appearance would be rather spoiled by having a hulking bodyguard lurking at his shoulder, after all. But being rather fond of keeping his hide intact, he had asked the heir to remain within easy hearing so he could rescue Seth in the event it became necessary.

Seth stopped a polite distance from the pack's border. He had taken the time to scent himself with a few herbal oils, something he had decided to make something of a study of some time ago. It was fascinating how certain scents could affect the brain chemistry and induce involuntary mood changes in others. Quite a useful thing when one was seeking to manipulate a situation to their own benefit. He had chosen his oils carefully today - lavender for its relaxing traits of course, but also an oil taken from soaking the rinds of a mandarin in boiling water that he had found tended to have something of a hypnotic effect to relieve anxieties and nervousness. And sandlewood, a particular favorite of his for its sedative effects that seemed to calm anger and quell anxieties. It wasn't so distinctive from other woods as to be obvious, but the effects could be startling in a patient. He was interested to see if it would affect the outcome of this meeting, though of course who could say for certain if it was the scents that were changing events or if it would simply play out that way anyway?

Satisfied that the herbal scents were blending with rather than masking the Abraxas pack scent, the dwarf raised his stunted muzzle to call out to announce his presence. Now to prepare himself to be charming.