
Prepare to be Amazed



6 Years
02-07-2018, 11:12 AM
She had been deep within the plains, stalking along a fresh trail of turkey. She wasn’t a ranked hunter anymore, but the women couldn’t deny the love for the task. It was a beautiful thing to be skilled in and she would still push herself to practice it daily. Who knew maybe the future held some new ranks being announced by Sparrow, one that she could hunt in. Brandr also had a new rank and since the meeting he had been fairly busy she felt it would be improper to ask him for some hunting time together so she chose to work along for the time being until they both settled into thier new ranks and got the hang of their duties. She had been tracking this flick since early morning, being vary picky about when exactly she would strike. The birds were flighty so she had to be sure she hung back far enough that they wouldn’t spook. Plus she enjoyed taking her time with her quarry and even times the young hunter would toy with them if she was feeling frisky enough. The trail was leading her closer and closer to the borders and the birds were having a steady paced movement, she was waiting until they would stop to eat.

She could hear the birds ahead, they had stopped to eat and her adrenaline began to pump through her veins. Sinking lower to the ground she made quiet advances forward eyes glued to the patch of brush ahead of her. Then all her work was shattered as a howl from the nearby boarders made the birds take off and an annoyed snarl tear through her throat. She then hugged and collected herself looking in the direction of the call. It was an open call, not one specifically for the alpha. She was the closest to the call, or so she assumed and began to head in the direction figuring she better get there instead of leaving the wolf who called on its own. It didn’t take her long to get there and when the wolf came into view she found a strang small wolf there. He was much smaller then her own mother, who she had thought to be the smallest of normal wolves. Was this a pup?? No it couldn’t been, her well trained nose could pick up the smell of tostierone on the male. He was an adult, just vary small. She was mildly curious and continued to close the distance, but stopped a decent distance away as the mixture of the oils hit her nose and made it wrinkle. Yes she was a healer, but with a well trained trackers nose the smell of the herbs bothered her at times and this mixture was one of the times.

”What can I help you with stranger,” she called out, her voice kind yet weary. The information from the last meeting had her on edge about strangers, especially one that was alone at thier borders.

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag