
Defy Expectation



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-07-2018, 03:13 PM

Chaos didn't stop his jaunt along the top of the wall even when Heecha hooted a deep note of warning. Why should he, when the wolf approaching was a yearling girl with a coat of pastel rainbows? Well, could you get any less intimidating than pastel rainbows? Her words, shouted as they were in a youthful voice, were hardly any more frightening, and Chaos made it a point to laugh out loud, flicking his tail as he passed by her. "What does it look like I'm doing, little girl?" he teased, grinning when she howled for help. "Oh no, don't call for your pack. I would be ever so frightened if they showed up."

And show up they did, first one young male with a mighty familiar face mask, and then immediately another rainbow creature. Well lookie lookie, it seemed Celestial was infested with oddly colored critters these days, not just their alpha anymore. Was Regulus collecting them now or something? He leveled a smirk at the guy with the Xanilov face mask. Just because Kassander had been a member of his Crew didn't mean that he'd play nice with one of his relatives - what the stuttery little healer didn't know wouldn't hurt him. "Oh wow, I never would have guessed this was a border. Maybe you guys should mark it better? Oh I know, let me help."

He paused just long enough to mark the top of the stone wall, and in that pause yet another young wolf had scrambled up on top of the wall, apparently in an attempt to block his way. Even this kid had weird colored markings under his eyes. Regulus really was collecting a pack of weirdos, wasn't he? Hell, Artemis might have be oddly colored too but at least that blue galaxy pelt of hers had been an aesthetically pleasing color palette for her alpha to secretly drool over. Wait, was Righteous Regulus not so virtuous and perfect after all? Was that why he was collecting all these clashingly colored youths himself? Chaos couldn't help the strangled snort of laughter that escaped him.

Chaos stepped forward a few steps towards him and sat, raising a paw dramatically towards his chest. "Me, not belong? Why, I'm hurt. I might actually shed a tear. But you know... I don't think I'm ready to leave." A fierce grin bared every inch of fang in his mouth. "And I think I'd really, really like to see how you plan to make me leave, Gangrene. I'm sure it will be so educational."


Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write