
Goodbye Graceful



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
02-07-2018, 09:52 PM
"I'll gladly start if you don't mind!" Azazel nodded, lowering himself into a defensive stance, though he mostly copied Amos since he himself hadn't really been taught. Most of his defenses would come naturally and by instinct, however. Head lowered over his throat, chin tucked and tail flagged out to align with his spine. Crimson eyes narrowed, hackles rising along his spin and his shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunching against the back of his head. Like Amos, he bared his fangs in a half snarl, half grin and when his opponent shot forward, so too would he.

Amos would seek to come head on with him, but when Azazel noticed that his opponent started to slow down with the last couple of feet between them, the white masked male made a quick sidestep to his own right, effectively dodging Amos' head on chest collision. He sought to bring them parallel, his left side against Amos' right side, and he would jut his left shoulder forward then, seeking to jam it right into his opponents ribs behind Amos' right elbow in an attempt to wind and bruise the male. Even with his movement, however, Azazel would not escape unscathed. Amos' teeth would cut his left side just behind his shoulder blade, leaving behind moderate lacerations that he was sure would bleed. Ignoring the pain, however, Azazel sought to make a bite of his own.

Jaws opened up, the yearling turning his head to his left and downwards as he sought to land a bite on Amos' right side. Lower fangs sought to cut and slice his opponent, aiming for the tender flesh behind the ribs, and top fangs sought to cut downwards from the top of where the rib cage ended. Though he figured he wouldn't be able to get a grip on his opponent with his bite, perhaps his teeth would at least cut and pinch in a way that would be uncomfortable. Lastly, his left hind paw would rise off the ground momentarily, then drive downward as he sought to stamp it on top of Amos' right forepaw. It wasn't enough force to break toes, but bruise them? Hopefully.

Azazel vs Amos for Spar
Round: 1/2
Height: 36"
Build: medium