

Taska Takira

07-05-2013, 12:19 AM

Taska Takira had traveled far and wide, for the mere fact that she was alone, well mostly, after her meeting with a young white dam Kira had gotten close to the girl and effectively fallowed her around looking for what they both desired most, their family. But as winter neared its end Kira had grown restless, she enjoyed her time with Io, but her paws wanted to else where, so without a cause Kira had said goodbye to the white girl and left on a independent adventure, that soon turned lonely. Something Kira had no idea could happen, for she had been alone for most of her life, but as it seems; she became accustomed to the companionship that Io had given, and now desired it... Which was a strange thing, something she was not prepared to deal with, and did not think would affect her so much. So that was why this black girl was seen traveling back the way she had came to look for the first friend she ever had, on her second birthseason no less! Yes that was right Kira had reached the big two, a full adult. A the age of two her mother had found a reason to live and fight. So Kira also has those expectation, she needed something to protect, a reason and maybe that reason should be helping Io.

Taska Takira moved through the forest fallowing the river, when a large scent hit her, a gathering of some sort, but none of the wolves had the same whiff, so they where not a pack, that made the girl curious. She came forward and stopped as the gathering centered on a black female. Kira got a tail end of the conversation, it seemed that there was a new pack forming right before her eyes, that gave the black girl pause. She scanned the wolves gathered and stopped at the sight of the white body. Kira knew her, it was non other than Io, the one wolf she was looking for. Kira was at a lost about what to do at that point, Io looked like she was going to join the now forming pack, and that left Kira with two choices, fallow her friend into this new pack under a leader she did not know, or walk away from the only friend she had, leaving herself with no one. Well it seemed that the choice was already made for her, Kira would join this rag tag band and see where it lead her.

Kira came out into the open then, her amber eyes watching the small female, that held herself like a Alpha. That brought back memories of when her mother told her the story of Rukai. About her blunder into the packs lands and how she meet her surrogate mother, Eureka. Kira would imagine that Eureka held herself the same way that this dam does. "Excuse me, Madam. I think I would like to join you as well. I am Taska Takira, Kira." Kira moved forward into the crowd, and stopped by her friend. "I am more than able to pull my own weight, have been since I was just under a year old; if you will have me, I will serve you for as long as I do not have a reason not to." She smiled at the black dam, her amber eyes confident, ready for anything. Yes She was ending up just like her mother had, joining a pack that she had only stumbled upon.