
Feel Good Fever



4 Years
02-07-2018, 10:11 PM

He left about 2 yards from himself and Argus and settled down into a sit as she greeted him. His tail wagged in happiness, so relieved that she looked to be doing so well. He also looked to her companion taking in the appearance of the cat glad to see she had found a companion like he had. Bones was there when everyone else wasn't and he was sure her companion was the same. He was proud of her, proud that she was learning from her companion. Argus asked about the rest of the family and his gaze dropped slightly. He missed mom, but he knew she wasn't returning. He didn't know how Argus would take it, the unknowing of his mother's status is what killed him emotionally when he thought about it.

"There was a raid on the pack, Mom fought and was partially blinded... Something about the raid made her snap and shortly after she left without goodbye leaving all of us in Celestial I havn't seen her since before she left. Otchi has disappeared and I can't find any sign of him. The rest of us are doing okay," he replied.

The hairless cat then spoke, her words he didn't quite understand, but Argus elaborated and he understood. Bones snorted at his side eyeing the cat, taking it as an insult. The Devil remained quiet though, not wanting to start any trouble. Chasm's tail gently wagged hearing what she was learning from her companion.

"Nice to meet you Kami and thank you for being a wonderful friend and teacher to my sister. Kami this is Bones, my companion. Argus I'm so happy to hear you are doing so well and though I was worried about you, you are alive and well. It seems your hunting skills have greatly improved," his deep voice rumbled with a smile on his face.

"Anything interesting you have discovered on your travels?" he asked.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015