
I'm Ready To Leave, I'm Ready To Live



8 Years
02-07-2018, 11:38 PM
He stated at the stranger, and the stranger stared back at him. He couldn't help but to softly chuckle, his tail lightly wagging against his heels. The other male seemed to be a bit younger than him, by how much he wasn't sure, but he certainly thought it was funny. The white male was younger, but certainly taller than he. If Arke had to guess, he'd say that this male was about Dragon's height...that seemed about right, anyway. He did his best to put on a friendly face, though naturally Arke always showed a friendly face. Unless of course, it was a case where a friendly face wasn't appropriate.

The taller male gave him a name, and Arke's head tilted slightly to the side. "Well Hi, Ronen! My name is Arke, Arke Ancora!" He grinned, tail wagging more. He couldn't recall meeting anyone with the name Adravendi, if he had then he just couldn't remember...He was mostly always thinking about herbs, names and stuff seemed to never stick around him for very long. When Ronen noticed his scent, he nodded, "Yeah, I live in a pack called Talis! My brother's the alpha!" He was proud of his brother, maybe he didn't agree with everything Dragon did, but he was proud of the other things he did.

He quieted then when Ronen talked, his body stiffening a bit when he mentioned what pack he was from. Uh oh...Celestial? That was the pack they had raided a year ago, wasn't it? He wasn't sure why he felt a bit uneasy, he had had nothing to do with it except for tending to the wounded after. "Uh...No, I haven't seen anyone named Viho...I'm sorry. I don't really leave my pack very often, but I've been near Celestial before...a really long time ago...I can help you try to find it?" could he even remember how to get back there? It had been so long..


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