
Rain, Rain, Go Away



2 Years
02-08-2018, 09:55 AM
Saffron had fallen silent as she allowed the other wolf his time to speak. She nibbled away at her prey, not missing the way he had eyed her food. Though it didn't show on her face, she was somewhat amused by the proud tone with which the male spoke. She was glad to see the change in his demeanor, considering his earlier annoyance and clear disapproval of her actions upon arriving at his shelter. When he mentioned the Risen Empire, it spurred her curiosity. The name had a powerful ring to it, and she liked the sound of it. "Perhaps I should visit one day," she mused, her white-tipped tail swishing over the damp ground. She wondered what he would think of her considering seeking out the home he was so proud of. For her, it had been a long, long time since she'd spent any time with others of her own species - she'd grown used to the solitary lifestyle, but the thought of getting around other wolves appealed to her quite strongly.

Her silver eyes caught the male's gaze roving over her form, just as she had done to him, and a small smile pulled at her lips as she looked away and out into the rain. She felt a thrill at the thought of him examining her a little more closely, not minding at all. Saffron could only hope that he liked what he saw. Her ears flicked and head turned back to face him when he spoke again. She sat up, fascinated as he mentioned he was here to study the local plant life for their medicinal properties.
He didn't strike her as the type - he looked more like an imposing warrior. But, she should have known better than to judge by looks. Interested by the discovery that this brute also had brains,
Saffron listened more intently, then grinned as he asked her what brought her here.

"Well, I've come for similar reasons," she stated, glancing to the snake for a brief moment before her silver, green-specked eyes met back with the brute's cerulean gaze, "I'm a self-taught healer, with much left to learn. But I'm much more interested in poisons." Her grin grew just a little; she'd never shared her interests with anyone else before, and she wondered what his reaction would be. "Once I find the plants, I'll need to find some poor fool to test them on," her tone was unapologetic - being solitary for so long had left her rather lacking in conscience, "Do you have any special interests, yourself?" Her query was left open-ended, as the woman was more than willing to hear what the brute had to say.