
Now we're making some progress



7 Years
Athena I
02-09-2018, 12:02 AM

As she explained that she had been out exploring and collecting herbs he couldn't exactly blame her for being out and about like this. He had spent most of his life now just exploring and training so how could he hold that against her just because she was blind? Maybe it only bothered him because of the fact that she could have died or at least been seriously injured if he or someone like him hadn't come along. He shrugged a little and commented, "Well, just be more careful. I'd hate for something bad to happen to you." Not that he knew her at all, but he still didn't want to see someone just walk off a ledge to their death in a stupid accident.

He was a little surprised when Kami asked how they could repay him. When he went off into the ravine to retrieve her he didn't even consider that there could be some kind of payment for doing so. In a way it felt wrong to ask for anything. She just needed some help and he was able and willing. "You don't have to repay me. I'd feel weird taking anything from you. Who knows, maybe I could use a healer one day. Just consider it a I-O-U." He wasn't sure he'd ever actually cash in on that I-O-U, but he hoped that would be enough to satisfy the feline.

Now that he had more time to sit here and examine her more he pondered the unusual element to her scent. For a minute he thought maybe it was the scent of the pack on her that was throwing him off, but it seemed like something else entirely. He tried not to dwell on it too much. It wasn't something he'd probably think of the reason for on his own so no reason to let it bother him. "You're in a pack, huh? What's that like?" he asked in an attempt to strike up conversation. He'd never been in a pack himself even though his father had continuously talked about taking him and his siblings to live in one. They'd never actually followed through with that plan so he'd been a loner all this time. Something about packs was very intriguing to him either way.

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