
Don't be afraid to catch feels



7 Years
Athena I
02-09-2018, 02:41 PM

This was the first time in a long time that a conversation with anyone had been this entertaining. Sure, he could spar and find other things to do with wolves he met to pass the time. Activities were pretty easy to come by and entertaining on their own. Conversations alone were rarely this interesting to him. "Well I'm glad I left my gold and jewels at home then," he replied when she mentioned that she had checked him for any valuables when she walked up, as sarcastic as ever. He couldn't quite imagine the type of wolf she might steal from since she was the first one he had ever seen wearing jewelry, but he was still intrigued all the same.

He watched her move through the water, catching himself examining her slim form as she turned and wandered through the water. Her saying that she wasn't from around here felt pretty obvious when she said it, but at the same time Pyre had only met a few wolves from here and they had all been fairly varied. She could have told him that she had been born and raised in these lands and he probably would have believed her. His gaze went back to hers once he noticed her eyeing him for a moment, but before he could ask what she was thinking she proposed a challenge. While he was positive she would be much faster than himself he was never one to turn down a challenge. Besides, more information about her was a tempting prize.

"I'll take that challenge," he replied, his teeth flashing briefly as he grinned. He got to his paws, rolled his shoulders, and stretched his toes through the sand as he stretched a little to wake up his muscles. "Where shall our start and finish lines be?" he asked, letting his sapphire gaze drift from her for just a moment as he eyed the area around the oasis.

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