
Am I fighting to be heard but leaving no defence



7 Years
Athena I
02-09-2018, 11:34 PM

He grinned at her enthusiasm and did a double check of his own defenses as well before she jumped into it in earnest. His ears remained tucked down against his head and his eyes were narrowed into slits. His lips were pulled back in enough of a snarl to show his teeth while his tail remained level with his spine. His chin was tucked down over his throat, his shoulders were rolled forward, and his stuff was bunched around his neck to protect it. His paws were all evenly spaced to give himself a good, solid base and his toes were spread to dig his claws into the dirt. His knees were bent enough to give him a bit more freedom of movement and his neck remained fairly level with his spine as well. Even though he didn't expect this to be a very intense or damaging fight, he wanted to give her the chance to experience a real fight with a ready and willing opponent.

Pyre watched as his young opponent launched herself toward him, bracing himself for some kind of impact. Throwing his shoulder into someone was certainly something he would have tried, but it seemed like she had some other ideas. She stopped just short of him and went for the soft skin behind his right elbow. A flick of his eyes saw her lifting her paw to slam it down on top of his. He let both of the attacks land, not that either of them were terribly hard blows. He'd probably have a little bruising on his paw and a scrape behind his elbow, but now she could say she landed some punches. He did it to keep her in close quarters with him and to keep her a bit off balance with her three-legged stance.

Since his head was already tucked down from how his defenses were set, he took a quick step forward in an attempt to shove the top of his head into her side and his shoulder into her chest, hoping to shove her off balance and topple her over. He was interested to see how she would recover if he was successful.

Caelestis vs Pyre for the most serious fight ever Practice!
Round: 1/2
Height: 35"
Build: Medium

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