
In the dark of the night

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
02-10-2018, 10:23 AM
Of wolves he expected to approach, he didn't expect yet another wolf as large as him to approach, let alone one carrying... Lykos squinted. What the hell was that? That had to be the ugliest damn bird he'd ever seen - and he'd seen some ugly ones. Not... quite this bad, though. He watched with growing amusement as the woman greeted... apparently Kanja was her name; the one he followed to confront Gahenna. Hmm, good to know. "Well, if Knaja here doesn't take the potoo, I wouldn't mind," he dryly interjected into the conversation, before chuckling as the bird tried to escape, though that quickly turned into a grimace. Ouch, that thing was loud. And... then that thing was muted. "Effective," he murmured with a smirk, eyeing Pyralis.

His attention was quickly taken by the flying red object through the air - what? Was that a wolf? It looked like a collection of bloody stars, and it had immediately started trying to attack the other starry wolf. So a glowing wolf, a slightly glittery mess, and collection of bloody stars. Alright then. And the bloody stars was now cursing angrily at Gahenna. Where the hell had she even come from? No matter; that could be... solved later.

"Tsk. What a disappointment. But you're right; what a lovely gift it is." Dry humor? Perhaps. It still worked though. His eyes quickly narrowed on Gahenna, and he cocked his head to the side. "Bullshit," he said flatly. "Being a good actor? Being a good actor and acting rapey, as Kanja puts it? And why would you act like that? Bull. Fucking. Shit." He glanced at Kanja and her offer to hold him down, and he eyed her as well. "Mind if I help hold him? Might be fun to start biting off his toes if he misbehaves."