
Young God



6 Years
02-10-2018, 01:15 PM
A snort of derision is all his compliment would earn him, even while she physically ached for him Amunet would remain resolute in the face of this issue, when and only when it was dealt with might she allow herself to be dragged under by his flattery again. Still her name upon his lips sent a thrill through her... had it always sounded like that when he called for her?

"The sun rose upon your sky and from this day on you may feel the warmth it brings." She barked a laugh, still turned away from him, though his presence felt like a fire at her back, begging her to turn and face the warmth. "How very kind of you." Her tone was dripping with sarcasm. Heretical maybe, but for the moment Amunet did not feel particularly reverent of the sun.

"Is jealousy consuming at your being because i gave it to someone else besides you or to someone else but not you?" Oh, there was the anger. She rose to a sitting position, her skin prickling and hot as her hackles raised some. "One and the other." There was a bite to her tone now, her bitterness and jealousy mingling audibly in her words. "You allowed some mortal harlot to bear you bastard children before even a proper heir could be produced. What's worse, you gave that thing a claim to our throne when you granted it our most sacred last name, a name a mortal should never lay claim to."

The next words tore at her heart, her head ducked to her chest and her form grew rigid even as she kept the mask of anger in her tone. He would not see her weakness, not now, not when he had wronged her so. "You refuse your own queen her birthright." Did he despise her? Had he chosen that she wasn't worthy? Did he simply not love her in the ways Amunet adored him? Without him she had been nothing, and now she was less than that.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think