
Goodbye Graceful



3 Years
02-10-2018, 10:51 PM
Amos let a breath hiss out of his lungs as his opponent made the dodge. He slowed too much! Oops. Tail twisted and flagged out even with his spine to maintain his balance, legs adjusting so they remained spread equally apart and his balance stayed intact. Knees remaining bent to absorb the shock of stopping as he recalculated a new angle of attack.

Satisfaction laced through the dark male as he felt his bite land, albeit not where he intended. Teeth leaving their mark behind the other boy's shoulders, he got his first real taste of blood and found it oddly satisfying to land a hit. Lips raised in a snarl and chin moved to tuck back over his throat as his head moved level with his spine and eyes stayed narrowed. Hackles stayed bristled along his spine as his ruff remained pulled forward over his vitals.

He saw Azazel coming in parallel to him and stepped to his own right as the other boy had earlier, not entirely escaping the shoulder slam but lessening the blow so that when Azazel's left shoulder struck his ribs on his left side, just behind Amos' elbow as intended, the attack would leave behind some moderate bruising but not completely wind him as Azazel hoped. Amos sought to take a step forward, jaws parting and teeth seeking to land a bite on the thin skin where Azazel's left hind thigh met his flank, hoping to leave moderate lacerations behind on the tender skin there. His movement caused Azazel's bite to land closer to amo's own left flank, leaving light lacerations to the area and causing Amos to growl as he pressed on through the discomfort.

As Azazel went for the paw stop Amos seized the opportunity to attempt to drive his left shoulder into the middle of Azazel's left hip, aiming to throw the other yearling off balance and maybe even knock him over, effectively causing the paw slam to miss it's mark entirely.

Amos vs Azazel for spar
Round: 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: heavy
Notes: Clarified positions with dragon; she meant for them to be left side to left side(nose to tail with each other), so i replied that way. And Drag, that was fun! Thanks for sparin' with me and hit me up if you wanna do another one sometime :D