
Pounding Metal



7 Years
02-11-2018, 01:00 AM
Due to Sam's absence I will only be able to make one post which will include Nephthys's exit and finishing her leaf compass to orientate herself back home. I tried to reach to Sam to ask if she/he is alright however I got no reply back therefore my request to default the battle.

Table & Art by Vethysnia

She was injured. Heavily--but still her uncle would fall. Pleased at the outcome of the fight she found herself ready to be finished with all of it, but alas; such an act would not be granted to her so soon. She would be forced to push more. Pursue things that she knew were beyond her physical capability but maybe, just maybe her previous revenous encounter have proven usefull. Her uncle, Horus was placing another challenge to the corvaceous babe. The first she had a fight with was of course, her aunt, Amunet, which won their duel however she did learn more from the bitch than she cared to admit. It was already clear that, on this day, Horus will fall. Shoulders rolled forward to assist the cover of her neck with fur, flesh, and fat. Neck was slightly coiled back, and limbs were slightly bent. Weight was not perfectly distributed as her right limb was more damaged due to her recent fight, so her weight lingered primarily on her left side. Back legs were sprawled apart farther to craft a tighter base and counter her unfortunate positioning. Crown was lowered over her breast and pomegranate optics were narrowed in on the male's face. Ears were pressed back against her skull and her tea-cup paws were lightly flexing against the ground for traction. The babe's spine was in perfect alignment while her voluptous tail was out to act as a rudder and supplement her balance. Chin tucked and jaws agape a violent snarl ripped through her throat, vibrating through her whole being. It was a warning. A thunderous snarl meant to send shivers down one spine and curse the Gods for her unfortunate fate.

-Fade to black due to the lack of response -

It was hard. It was bloody. But she came out a victor, Gods smiled upon her today as her tea-cup paw smashed onto the male's chest as he laid down, defeated. "I am Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel." the babe snarled venemously into her uncle ear as she leaned forward to snap her canines, "Daughter of your brother, The Sun God. Demi-Goddess of Death and Harbinger of Souls." she spatted dangerously, "Remember me, uncle" she accentuated the last world with a roll of her tongue, "I have a feeling we will meet again very shortly.". Another snarl was emmited from the babe's pretty maw, her canines bared as her voluptous, ink black lips were pulled over them.

She left without a maim nor a display of utter aggression because that was not the point of their confruntation. She stated clearly by defeating him. She was one of them and like it or not that was not going to change, their blood ran through her veins, curse her being and made her insane. With a shook of her crown, she hold herself high, with poise, like the royality she was. Her bloodied self found her way back towards her maple leaf that to her surprise remained there. en as she found the first object she will need in her craft. It was of importance but now where is she going to find a straight piece of metal that will fit for the leaf? With a tilt of her crown, she thought long and hard. She was surrounded by bizzare objects but not all seemed to be made out of metal. Some where of copper, some were rusted to the core without recognition; now what was she going to do other than poke around? What seemed like hours, days and months passed before her and her journey came to an end when she found a needle. With precision she took it between her murderous canines and dragged it out of the soil, limping with it towards the leaf. A sacrifice needs to be made in order for the Gods to bless her with this miracle, she needs to share her own soul energy (knows to us as static energy) with the needle by carefully rubbing it across her fur in order to come to life (magnetizer). She tried once. She tried twice. But by the third and fourth time her vital liquid was boiling within her. This was the way her mother always did it. Perhaps she was to injured to create enough friction between the egyptian silk fur and the needle. What was there to do? She was a captive in those parts and she needed to return towards her home or at least a territory that she was able to recognize. Without lot of thinking she threw the needle away only to hear and almost inaudible sound of static electricity. Were the Gods finally showing her path? She turned on her heels to follow the direction of the needle only to find it stuck to another piece of metal. A grin painted her beautifuly crafter visage as she returned with the two items. Rubbing, stroking, minutes after minutes but she finally did it. She managed to pass one life energy to another object and reanimate it (static electricity). Loo and behold, after stroking the needle in the same direction, rather than back and forth, using steady, even strokes she finaly did it. She placed the neddle on the maple leaf and from there on she took the leaf carefully between her lips in order to place it in the puddle since currents will disturb the direction of the compass, so she could not expect to get an accurate reading if she suspend it in a lake or pond. Now here comes the hard part. How could she realize where the North and South was in order to read the compass properly like her mother used to do for them. The needle and maple leaf on which it is situated should slowly spin either clockwise or counterclockwise to point from north to south. Since the magnetized needle points from north to south, the babe can't use it to figure out where east and west are located until she figures out which way is north. She limped away for only a moment, only to return with a sharp stick between her canines, as she approached her leaf compass her bodice began to shake visibly, her energy almost gone. The babe placed the stick upright in the ground so she was able to observe its shadow. She marked the spot where the tip of the shadow fell with a rock and wait a certain amount of time before she marked the shadow's tip with a second rock. The line between the rocks would roughly be east to west. And once she stands with the first rock on her left and the second rock on her right, she was sure that she was now facing north. She could now predict where the cardinal points where and how to orientate herself to return back to safety, a long journey awaited her but after her duel resulted in a victory she had all the confidence she needed to survive. Onwards we go, back home, back to safety.

Exitus Nephthys

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together