
Red Cold River



6 Years
02-11-2018, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2018, 01:02 PM by Corentine.)
Herb Hunting: Lamb's ear

Since the meeting she had been doing her best to balance both what she loved to do and when she was expected to do. She was within a healing rank now, which meant she had to begin to do what her mother did so well. Since she had helped her mother many times she had decent knowledge of the trade, but foraging trips had been vary little. She had been on maybe one or two trips to hunt for herbs. Finding herbs was going to be her biggest learning curve, but she had to keep the stocks up so she was prepared to heal at a moments notice. She had thoughts of meeting with Kassander, the other in her same rank, and see if he wanted to do a lesson.

They didn't have many wolves for the three big territories that they occupied. They didn't have any wolves younger then herself either, aside from the daughter of two of the Santuario's. She wasn't sure if the girl had interest, but maybe if they held one for all three maybe it would be worth it. None the less it would be something to talk to Kass about and get the older healer's thoughts on. For now she headed from the pack lands her mind set on doing some gathering today. She didn't need much, but enough that she wanted to get it while the weather was so nice.

Heading through the plains she lifted her nose to the air taking in what scent she could. She knew the smell of the herb she was looking for, but it was a matter of getting a whiff of it and tracking it down.

"Talk" "You" Think

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