
I could surely get lost


07-05-2013, 01:57 AM

Where was she in the first place, this place was covered in strange paintings on the wall. Her sea green eyes glowing in the dark night cave as she scanned over them. Her expression didn't look very amused by the looks of it, she just was a bit upset that she was lost. Eren didn't look like she was lost considering she could be very calm in these kinds of situations, but she was still upset about it. Her tail flicked as she looked deeper into the dark cave. There were drafts of air tell her the way out, but she couldn't pinpoint which tunnel it was coming from. Because of the holes in the roof she could tell the full moon was out. The girl walked forward in the minimum moonlight. As she looked up at it, wondering if she'd spend the rest of her days in here, if anyone would worry about her in Glaciem. Probably not, the new alphess cared but none who could not care for themselves. Eren could take care of herself, but if she was in trouble, no one would come to save her anymore. all of her friends had left since they had followed Gargoyle and nobody else. Why couldn't they realize Eos won because she was stronger, and it would be better for their survival. Eren didn't understand them at all, how was staying with the more comfortable better than surviving? Their mindsets were just too different from hers she shook her head back and forth. She must forget, forget about her friends, then maybe it'd hurt less.
"Honestly, why can't I think straight. This should be a simple task to get out of here." She spoke out loud in a strained voice. She was obviously hurting, but no one cared, and she didn't want to cause trouble for others. The smart wolf closed her eyes for a moment and sighed before starting to walk again. She knew perfectly well she'd only be getting herself deeper in these tunnels and getting herself lost. why had she come here in the first place. Perhaps she had spaced out, like she had been doing as of late. Friends were ruining her head, this was horrid. What was the point of friends anyway? They were to help you survive right? That's all Eren knew. How to survive, and not give others trouble, it was too much effort to fight unless you needed to right? She wasn't strong like other wolves, but, she could fight. She trained herself and that was all she needed.