
things we deserve



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
02-11-2018, 07:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2018, 07:36 PM by Kai.)
Kai couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable around this stranger, a rarity for the normally quite exuberant wolf. The way that the odd skull concealed his face was mildly disconcerting, though Kai isn't normally one who is quick to cast judgment. Instead, he'd wait to figure this stranger out, taking it as a challenge of sorts rather than something to shy away from. His expression remains curious and only slightly taken aback as the creature faces him, slowing his pace... though his limbs continue their movements as if he was running in place. Kai's head would cock slightly to the side, but his smile returned after only a moment of consideration.

"I mean... I don't anticipate nothing happening, exactly," he'd reply with a touch of hesitation. While he didn't know of anything in particular worth staying for, well.. them running into one another was something, was it not?  "I don't think you're in any danger of trees falling, but.. maybe getting hit by some snow?" Kai grins playfully, deftly lifting a paw and splashing a spray of snow in Itzal's direction. The stranger seemed a bit odd, so why not add in a bit of his own fun while he was at it? The last time he'd tried hitting snow at someone, he'd actually made a friend out of the ordeal, even if she'd been irritated at his antics first.

Another laugh fell from parted lips at his next words. It was hard for Kai to tell whether he was simply touched in the head or being playful, but he'd happily play along. At least this encounter was more entertaining than some of the other dull wolves he'd met so far in his life. "Thank you, I guess?" Nobody had told him his face was big before, and he shook his head, slightly bewildered, trying to take it all in. Was he honestly afraid of someone stealing his eyes? Huh. "My name is Kai. What about you, skull face?" Briefly his gaze would leave Itzal to scope out their surroundings. The forest was dense with tall pine trees and various patches of vegetation and shrubbery here and there. Definitely a good place to explore, if this stranger was up for it.

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