
Along the Western Wall



12 Years
Extra large
02-11-2018, 07:52 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

The crimson male nodded grimly at Amos’ astute observations on the raid. “And, I’m sure you can imagine, it was devastating to my young cousins. To have their own family trying to steal from not only the pack, but them, and to have their brother taken prisoner. And then their mother died a few seasons later. They’ve been hit hard left and right, but they’ll persevere.”

Amos’ agreement on Aurielle’s decorum returned a grin to Regulus’ features with a chuckle. “She has no children her own age, save for her twin to help her play as a pup and not an Heiress. They’re both quite mature, really.” There was a definite note of affectionate pride in his voice as he spoke of his children.

As he described the ranks, he was pleased to watch as Amos listened and took it all in readily, answering the boy’s warning that you should be careful what you ask for when he’d finished with a laugh. He listened with that same intense interest Aurielle had shown as Amos launched his first volley of queries, nodding slowly as he formed an answer.

Finally, he smiled, a little sadly it must be said, and answered, “Thus far, My Consort and Aurielle are the highest-ranking wolves in the pack. Then we have one Master Legionary. We’ll have a Master Hunter soon, though. There are a few wolves in the pack who show that initiative and driven nature to rise, but beyond that… I’m afraid I may have to take harder measures to encourage the rest to push for higher ranks.”

To Amos’ guess that the higher ranks required hard work and dedication, he nodded easily. “It does indeed take a greater level of commitment. If you really wish to gain a high rank, you must show me that you’re worthy of the rank, and can handle the work load. Higher ranking wolves in the Legionary line will be working with the pack, calling battle training, patrolling, and helping me, and Aurielle later on, with the duties. It’s possible to challenge for ranks such as the Shield, but you must have shown your worth for a long time before-paw, sparring, patrolling, and winning your fights. It’s the Beta, rank, after all.”

He grinned at the boy, appreciating the curiosity towards inter-pack training for ranks such as the messenger line and nodding. “Good question. Messengers must have good minds for keeping memories in place. They must also have high stamina and be competent in navigating terrain for the swiftest paths to another pack, and be able to give the message as it was given. So, memory games, races through difficult areas, stamina games would be a definite possibility. Though that depends on whether the other pack has ranks like mine.”

[Image: T8yHvja.png]