
end of infinity



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
02-11-2018, 08:02 PM
Ásvor wasn't quite sure what to do with herself now. As much as she found herself missing Valdis, she knew traveling all the way across the continent wasn't exactly something that was practical to do every few weeks. Surely Naudir would find her soon and they could collaborate on an idea of where to go from here, but for now she would linger in the north as the climate grew a bit more mild, wandering aimlessly and trying to grasp onto whatever bits of knowledge she could.

She veered toward the edge of the massive gorge as the pine trees grew more scarce. The thinning forest gave little protection from the wind, but the shift in the landscape was intriguing to her. Her eyes narrowed as she peered down into the valley, though something in the distance - near the edge of the gorge - caught her eye. A sharp flash of movement, of white fur, caught her attention easily. Even from a distance she could see that the creature was a pup, and slowly she headed in that direction.

What on earth was a child doing in these lands? It wasn't exactly the safest place for a child to be. One misstep would mean certain death, sending a wolf tumbling down the sides of the valley to the bottom. For a moment Asvor almost debated seeing how easily she could sneak up on the child and send them tumbling into the gorge. She wondered what kind of injuries the wolf might sustain, but she decided against it, wondering if maybe more could be gained by taking a different route. Asvor cleared her throat as she approached, lazily closing the distance between them. "Should you be out here on your own?" Asvor raised a brow in question, pausing a safe distance away from the child.