
Homeward bound



3 Years
02-11-2018, 09:49 PM
The young Ancora male was delighted as he took the lead, wanting more than anything to make up for all that he had missed. It was a long while as they trekked over the plains, following the path that the Archangel had taken to meet Exodus at the border. He began to worry when he didn't pick up the buck's scent, but Regulus hadn't stopped him, so it must have simply been further than he thought. Continuing on his path, he refused to let doubt wander into his mind. He would find the buck and lead this hunt to success, even if it wasn't his greatest strength.

At last, he caught scent of prey! He paused in his steps, determining the direction of the scent, and then changed his direction accordingly. And finally, he saw the tall antlers of the aging buck in the distance. He slowed down, his tail waving in the air as he lowered himself slightly, preparing to truly set in to hunting mode. He observed it for several moments, noticing the slow way it moved around, as well as the fact that it was completely isolated. It must have lost its rank in the herd long ago. After watching for several moments, he glanced over his shoulder at Regulus. "Definitely old, we'll be able to wear it down pretty fast," he stated confidently, sure that it wouldn't take much to tire out the old thing.

His neck turned, facing forward again. They'd need to be patient and take their time, but with their superior endurance, the two wolves would be able to outpace the old buck, with no need for a dangerous ambush or chase. Setting out, Exodus made a beeline for the deer - his pace was swift, but it was far from a sprint. The deer saw him coming and began to make its way in the opposite direction, and so it began. The test of stamina and patience, but Exodus knew he would win this one easily. Once it was tired it would be forced to hold its ground, he and Regulus could then make their move.