
Mending What's Broken



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-12-2018, 01:18 AM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2018, 01:19 AM by Paladin.)
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

His black painted brow-points lifted in mild surprise as she jumped under his touch, and, being the healer that he was, he was worried that it was pain that caused the reaction. Perfectly oblivious to the real reasoning for her reaction. Though, thinking back, he realized she did jump that way every time he touched her. Maybe she was just naturally jumpy under touch.

He was pleased at how well she could withstand actual pressure, however, and smiled easily at her own observations. “Excellent. You should be able to start taking light walks tomorrow.”

He turned away and spread the hide with her treatments, picking out the tiny rabbit kit hide of Prickly Poppy seeds. It was a smaller dosage than before, and would be enough to take the edge off her pain for a while. He listened to her answers, nodding pleasurably as he set the dose in front of her.

"I’d give it about… four to five weeks before you’re fully on the mend, but tomorrow we’ll try taking a walk and see how you do. I can give you a bit of Valerian to help you sleep tonight, too.”

He nosed through her other treatments, pleased to disregard the stronger pain killers in his arsenal, and picked out a chunk of Valerian root, setting it aside for the evening. “I know you’re feeling cooped up, but how do you like it here, aside from that?”

He didn’t know what her living situation had been in Talis, whether that pack denned together or slept in their own places, so he wondered if she’d gotten used to the comings and goings of the Adravendis and himself. Aurielle’s happy chattering as she attended a lesson with him or her mother, the occasional playful puppy scuffle between the twins… and the low, gently loving tones between Regulus and Solveiga each night.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.