
I could surely get lost


07-05-2013, 02:24 AM

Her ears flaunted about when she heard the voice trying to tell where it was, but it was hard considering it echoed off the walls. In the darkness she managed to run into the wall. With a thud she fell back and whined a little bit.
"Itai, how did I manage that." She spoke to herself and sighed. Pulling herself up and shaking it off. Her ears pulled forward as she tried to listen to where that male had been, she couldn't get a grip on his scent either. "Umm, could you....describe where you are, or keep talking until I find you?" She said out loud. She was embarrassed at the fact that she couldn't find her way out and would be asking for an outsider to help her. If Eos were here, the female would just have left her alone to starve in the cave. Or at least wander until she found the entrance. The male couldn't have been far off judging by his voice it was near one of the three tunnels that were splayed out in front of her. For all she knew he would be a predator ready to attack her. She shook her head, he wasn't THAT male so it was alright right?
"My name's Eren." She called out stumbling over her paws in the darkness as she came to another hole, sitting there waiting to hear the male's voice so she could possibly choose a tunnel. Was this really alright though, to leave things like this? She wasn't sure, she wasn't sure of herself or of others. Eren just wanted to go back to feeling comfortable again, but it would risk her survival.