
Let's sing a song, and play along


07-05-2013, 02:35 AM

Honestly coming here had been a drag, after being accepted she was still alone. Yet to her luck she had been searching for her cousin, perhaps he could again give her some advice. Though she had found herself hiding in the bushes to watch the male digging for the ferret. He was injured? And why was he doing that anyway after all the ferret got away so it had been a waste of effort. Her eyes narrowed, what a stupid male, sometimes she honestly wondered about him to the best of her ability. It was until another male showed up that she considered walking out of her hiding place. He had greeted Natsu, maybe another Valhallan being there would lessen her temper? Either way Vahva's temper was all the same. She snorted a tiny bit and crawled out of her hiding place approaching Natsu. "What are you doing down there, BAKA!" She narrowed her eyes at him. Then her crimson orbs turned to Gael.
"Hello there!" She greeted and gave a smile, at least as best to her ability she gave one. After all, she wasn't entirely keen on being social just yet. Natsu was helping her get better, as did Killian. Her plan to create a pack was going smoothly, now all that was left was to bond with her birth family here, and hopefully an alliance would be in order when she left. Unless they would be hostile towards her for leaving. She certainly hoped that did not happen. The last thing she wanted was her new pack to be ripped apart as soon as it was banded.
