
Ancora-Hellstrom-Armada puppies for grabs!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
02-13-2018, 12:16 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2018, 10:41 PM by Shelby.)

Name: Rhaegal Ancora

Design: Design 5 but with green eyes like Dragon if that's okay!

Gender: Female

Appearance: A light shade of tan is what makes up the majority of Rhae's coat. This base color makes for the perfect background for her mildly intricate markings. The most noticeable ones are the dark, chocolate brown stripes that mark various parts of her. This darker color runs up the front of both of her forelegs, comes to a point at her elbows before continuing up around her shoulder blades to another point, meeting in the middle of her back to form a open diamond shape. More of this color forms a curved stripe around her thighs and down the top half of her tail. Lastly, she has a chocolate brown stripe along the top of her muzzle, around the edge of each ear, and each toe on her back paws are dipped in the color. A darker shade of ivory covers her throat, chest, stomach, the toes of her forepaws, the underside of her tail, and the lower half of her back legs. The same ivory color rings each of her eyes and shows up in the insides of her ears, and fills in the diamond shape between her shoulders. Small dots of white accent each brow above her vibrant green gaze, only adding to the focus that her eyes receive as the only source of a real color on her entire form. Once she reaches her full height, Rhaegal will stand at thirty four inches tall and will have a build that can barely be considered medium. She's athletic in the sense that she has lean muscle and barely any fat on her bones. Perhaps if she ate more she could put on some weight, but that's never her main concern. It all makes for a wolf that is quick and light on her feet, but not necessarily the strongest or toughest.

Personality: Rhae can work the room and chat anyone up like the best politician out there. Her personality is as outgoing as it is calculating. No one is a stranger to her in the way that she will greet everyone like they are an old friend. However, her warm greetings do not always mean trust. She takes after Dragon in the way that she watches how others move, interact, and speak so she can best decide how to react herself. No action goes without at least a little bit of thought. Because of this, it makes her cautious and unwilling to make any sudden choices. Times of stress that require split second decisions can be hard for her.

Rhae always weighs what she thinks is the best solution. Her choice might not always be the "good" or "moral" choice, but it will be the one that she thinks will benefit herself or her family the most. A white lie or two here and there won't keep her up at night if it puts those she cares about into a better position. She won't go so far as to harm anyone without cause or reason. Deep down she is truly caring and loving though she very rarely shows that side of her. Loyalty is her number one priority. Loyalty to her family, to her pack, to herself. Anything she does has that as the center of her concerns.

What she lacks in physical strength she makes up for in mental abilities. She is always looking for ways to better herself, including her training and studies. She can soak up knowledge like a sponge, but she has a bit of a hard time nailing down exactly what she wants to learn. Because of that she can be a jack of all trades but a master of none in most subjects. The only thing that really seems to click with her really well is conversation and languages. She has the brain of a linguist and learns foreign languages really easily. She also dabbles in healing mostly out of the sense of necessity in order to help keep her family safe and healthy since fighting isn't her strong suit.

While she does tend to act fairly mature for her age, she does have a bit of playfulness in her. It is rare to see her completely relaxed, but around her siblings and family she tends to act more like herself and will joke around with them and play games. She has a witty sense of humor that a lot of wolves might miss. Her jokes are usually fairly subtle and dripping with dry sarcasm. At times she can get herself into trouble with other that might mistake her jokes with real insults.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Plans: She'll definitely stick close to her family where ever they end up settling. If there are plans in the works to recreate Dragon's pack I can see her wanting to help and work her way up in the ranks and be a diplomat or spy of sorts. If not then she'll probably end up doing something similar with whatever pack she eventually ends up living in, but more motivated by her own drive to be better than by family ties. If I can find her a mate that'll put up with her snark I'll probably get her a little fam going as well! (Also thinking maybe she needs a Eurasian red squirrel friend to grow up with?)

RP Sample: Thin as a rail and standing on legs that resembled the disproportionate legs of a colt, Rhae certainly was no match for her siblings or other kids her age when they started play fighting and such. But they couldn't pick on her if they couldn't reach her! At least that's what she told herself as she watched a squirrel scramble up the side of a log with ease and then perch itself there while it ate a nut of some kind. A minute or two later another squirrel showed up, looking like maybe it was trying to take the first one's nut or something along those lines, and the first one darted up a near by tree with the other one right on its tail.

If she could just climb like those squirrels... She walked over to the fallen tree trunk, which was a bit taller than herself, and eyed it with a thoughtful squint of her eyes. Couldn't be that hard, right? She coiled her legs under her the way their dad taught them to do when they were ready to pounce on a piece of prey. She leapt up and got her front paws onto the top of the log, but wasn't quite as lucky with her back paws. They slipped a bit on the bark and she had to frantically scramble for a moment to keep from sliding back down to the ground. Luckily, she caught herself and pulled herself all the way onto the top. She carefully steadied herself before grinning triumphantly. There! Surely they couldn't reach her up here! She could nap in peace here no problem.

Suddenly the two squirrels from before came running back down the tree and across the log she was standing on. They weaved around her legs and startled her, making her jump with a soft yelp. The two rodents disappeared among the roots at the end of the log while she teetered till she finally slipped on the damp bark and went tumbling back down to the ground with a thud. The fall knocked the air out of her and she laid there for a moment while she tried to regain her composure. She was so glad no one was around to see that! When she blinked her eyes open there was a little pointy eared squirrel right in front of her eyes. "What-" she started, but before she could say anything else the squirrel took off in a flash.