
Chained to the Rhythm



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-13-2018, 02:03 AM

One by one they began to show up, Valdis being the first and as punctual as always. His tail wagged when he heard her voice, "Good afternoon to you too, Valdis! I'm doing as well as I can for a blind guy," He chuckled, his tone light and humorous. "I hope you're doing well?" Although blindness came with its difficulties, he was learning to overcome those difficulties and wasn't going to let it slow him down or keep it from enjoying life. Soon, Iskra's familiar scent would wash over him, and his tail wagged more as he turned in the direction of her voice. He couldn't help but laugh, how could he not when she was around? "Hey there Iskra, nice of you to join the party!" Okay, so maybe it wasn't a party yet, but it would be soon. Or he hoped at least, assuming enough of the pack showed up to participate.

He didn't have to wait very long before Afrit joined them, her scent growing stronger as he heard her paw steps getting closer. But of course, he didn't realize in time what her intentions were until he felt a sloppy tongue sliding across his face. He was stunned for a moment, both of his companions giggling like schoolgirls. His sister greeted him afterwards, and he stood there with fur plastered down from his sisters wet kiss. "Glad you could make it Afrit," He responded before leaning down to wipe the drool with a foreleg. Well, at least he didn't have to take a bath now! Three more of his family members would join them, and shortly after would be Zinnia and Greed. He waited a bit longer to see if anyone else would show up, but after some time it seemed nobody else would. That was alright, there were enough members here to get some things going at least.

After recovering from Afrit's sloppy onslaught, he shook out his fur and faced the gathered wolves. "Glad some of you could make it on such short notice, but I figured with all that's happened in the last year, we could do with some fun and relaxation. I want to use this day to recognize everyone for their hard work, both with pack duties and for those who helped out in the raid. Now that everyone has healed up and stuff, I think it's time we try to de-stress and just...have some fun! Get to know your pack mates better, whether you're in it for the long haul or not, it's good to try and get to know each other." He took a deep breath, wondering if they cared about that at all. This was the first time he was trying something like this, and he didn't want it to feel like another pack meeting.

"So with that said, I've got games and some other events planned. Spars, a scavenger hunt, big game hunts, fishing, and whatever else you can think of! If you have any ideas, feel free to speak up about it and go ahead and do it! Remember, today is about having fun and relaxing. So with that said, I'll pair everyone up for the spars, and then we'll go from there. Sound alright?" Though he couldn't see, he gazed at them regardless. He was excited to get started, "Alright, so...the pairs are as follows; Greed and Valdis, Avalon and Okami, Gryphon and Zinnia, Arke and Iskra, and Afrit you're paired with me. Remember, these spars are for fun, you don't have to go easy but don't go beating each other up too much, either. He wagged his tail, eager to get the festivities started! "Alright everyone, have fun!"

OOC//I didn't wanna make this post super long cuz it's late and I'm tired lol, so i paired everyone up and you can start your spars in this thread. Min. 2 rounds, and they can be judged or unjudged, your choice! If you choose unjudged, then either Dragon can go around and announce the winners with help of his companions, or maybe I can ask someone not participating in this thread to decide lol. If judged, then try to keep it to default of 3 days and up to 1 week. The other activities will be posted in separate threads (set after the spars), and the details of each one will be explained in each one! If you have other ideas for games, etc then feel free to make a thread with the details of that one or skype/discord/pm me to get things set up. I realize Dragon teeeeccchhnically doesn't have the pack anymore, but since this was set before then we could still have some fun trying to do this. If there's no interest beyond the spars, let me know, but we can at least get the spars done!


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.