
I could surely get lost


07-05-2013, 02:43 AM

Eren heard his voice again, there it was the last tunnel to her right. The wolf rose herself and started out of the cave, feeling her way around and using her nose as she moved. He spoke again and it was louder, so it must have been the right way right? Her paws were moving on their own she just wanted out, when he finally asked the question if she was finding the entrance alright, she was able to see him and the outside. Oh what a relief, her black and gray form shined in the moonlight as her sea green eyes looked over the male Kypsis. He looked nice enough, and had guided her out, but what now, she lowered her ears and head shying away. Now that she was out, she wasn't sure what he'd to her, or what she'd do to him for that manner. She kept her ears spread against the back of her skull. "Yeah." The girl finally answered. This was alright wasn't it?
She moved to turn back in the cave. Looking at the darkness, how had she ended up there? She had been hunting and ended up thinking about Gargoyle, Eria, and everyone else. Eren shook her head, she felt so weird and it was making her pissed if anything. Turning back to the male she lowered her head slightly afraid, this was weakness wasn't it? "Ummm, I'm not as weak as I look, so don't try anything alright." She tried to sound intimidating raising her body. Though it was probably the most pathetic attempt she had made in her entire life. She had looked very intimidating plenty times before, but not this time.