
I could surely get lost


07-05-2013, 02:55 AM

He heard her foot steps before he heard her voice come back with a quick answer to his question. SHe had easily found her way out, just by following the sound of his voice. Much easier than trying to randomly pick which way to go. His face lit up in a small small, glad to have bee able to help. His victory was short lived though, her wariness of him saddening him slightly. He knew tat he could not harm her, it was just trying to convince her of that fact.
She did her best to intimidate him, raising her body slightly, but in reality she would not have succeeded. He hid the amusement he found in her actions and instead played on the dominance tactic. He reacted by giving her what she intended to receive all along, his ears fell closer to his skull and he relaxed his posture. He let his haunches fall to the ground as he bent his elbows shortening himself a bit more. The smile still wide on his maw. "Darling, I would never dream of 'trying anything' I'm just glad you're safely out of that cave." His voice was soft and non threatening as he continued with a question, "How long were you down there?"

[Image: tablebottom.jpg]