
I could surely get lost


07-05-2013, 03:10 AM

He was actually complying? Was she seeing things, then again perhaps she had gotten it all wrong. She still had her defenses up, but she relaxed herself and sighed. Darling? Why did he call her that, she was far from a doll, after all who would like a girl who loves to play with dead things since she liked to hurt others but was afraid of being rejected so never did. Yet why did a complete stranger care that she was lost anyway? Eren pulled up her ears, how long had she been in there. She thought for a moment. It had been mid day when she had spaced out to enter and ended up lost. Her eyes narrowed, how could she have been such an idiot. Stress was not good for her smart head, that was for sure, she needed to stop thinking so much. "Ummm.....I went in there at mid day to chase a rabbit, and got lost, it's at least midnight now." She had seriously been in there for a couple of hours, how stupid could she be.
"What about you, why are you near the caves Kypsis?" Eren was curious, perhaps he could distract her from her pain. That would be the logical answer couldn't it. He didn't smell of any pack like she did, after all she belonged to Glaciem. Glaciem was under new leadership but she had decided to still follow the new alphess. It was going to be a hard life ahead, but Eren was prepared to make herself live. She didn't want to die, so she would learn what she could about this weird world.