
Brother, Brother, Paws Heading for your Back!



3 Years
02-14-2018, 11:11 PM
Exodus watched as his much more agile brother twisted mid-air and landed neatly in front of him, battle-ready in a simple shift of movement. He chuckled as he heard Paladin's words, nodding his head. "Fair enough!" he said with a laugh, and to his brother's welcome, he responded, "Thanks! Great to be back!" His shoulders rolled forward, the skin bunching up around his scruff as he prepared for a friendly spar with his brother. His ears folded back, tail tucking neatly and nails digging into the ground for traction.

As Paladin rose up on his hinds and brought his forepaws forward, Exodus shifted his weight to his hind legs, preparing to move. He reared straight upward just as Paladin was attempting to pin Exodus with his forepaws and make a bite for the back of Exodus' shoulders. Exodus was trying to counter the move, hoping that the back of his own shoulder blades would shove past his brother's forepaws, while Exodus swung his head upward and aimed the upper part of his head (between the ears) for the underside of Paladin's chin. He hoped to leave a mild bruise and stun his brother slightly, all the while displacing Paladin's attack. As he did so, Exodus' forelegs came up, balancing his weight evenly on his hind legs as he tried to wrap his forelegs around Paladin's neck. The left foreleg reached for the right side of Paladin's neck, right foreleg aiming for the left side - both right above his brother's shoulders.

Hoping to have his brother in a firm hold so that they were both upright, chest to chest, he then tilted his head to his own left, jaws parting as he aimed a light bite for the front right side of Paladin's neck. He inhibited his bite, not wishing to seriously harm his brother in play, looking to leave a moderate bruise with no punctures. Eyes narrowed and muscles tensed, he prepared himself to react to whatever Paladin tried to throw at him

Paladin vs. Exodus for Spar
Round: 1/3
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy