
My Everythings



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
02-15-2018, 06:31 PM
Philomena was relieved when she heard Ulric come up behind her, and even more so when she heard that her mother wasn’t hurt, nor sick. At least not physically… Philly still didn’t smile, figuring there was only one other reason for her mother’s state of being. Her father’s  death. The girl nuzzled her mother again, shaking her head as Roza turned the questions back on her.

“I’m sorry I worried you, Mama.” Her blue gaze shifted to Ulric for a moment before shifting back to her mother. “I’m alright… I wasn’t hurt.” She didn’t mention the fact that had anyone tried she would  have fought back. Now was not the time to get her mother worked up again… or Ulric either.

“I had gone home… but when I got there a bunch of stranger’s scents were there.” Philomena flicked her ears back. “Aunt Paradox and Uncle Enigma tried to warn me… but the Abraxi showed up. Ulric came too and well… they took us to their Empire.” Philly let out a whimper.

“Mama… why did they take Papa? The Risen Emperor spoke to me… he said it was cause Papa stood in his way. That one day we’d meet again…” Philly closed her eyes. “They want to claim all of this land… and who knows how many others.” Philomena furrowed her brow, opening her eyes.

“He claims that there is a choice... but I don't see it.” Philly tensed, shaking her head. “B-but enough of that. We’re together again! It doesn’t matter where we were, or what we were doing. What matters is right now.” She tried to force a smile.

“...Where have you been staying?” Philly asked, lifting her ears a little. “We'll need to establish a base camp.”