
[Birth thread] a light in the dark



7 Years
Athena I

02-15-2018, 07:14 PM

Zuriel was laying awake in her den when she heard a howl. Her head lifted as she listened with a touch of healer driven worry. She knew the sound of a mother giving birth when she heard it. It wasn't specifically for her, but she was near by and she had more than plenty birthing herbs at the ready. Deciding she'd rather be safe than sorry, she got up and gathered up a fair bit of motherwort and trillium between her teeth before she headed out of the den. Her ears flicked at the sound of thunder rolling in the distance and she hurried on toward where she thought the call had come from. The last thing she wanted was to get caught in the rain on her way.

She caught the scent of the young woman easy enough and carefully peeked her head into the den. She found the girl that Faite had adopted, Jewell she thought her name was, with one of her nephews laying behind her. She quietly slipped inside the den, trying to keep close to the walls of the den to give her space. She sat down the herbs and gave the rainbow colored woman a reassuring smile. "Hello there. I hope you don't mind me coming to help till everyone else gets here. I'm Zuriel since I don't believe we've formally met yet." She picked out couple of leaves worth of motherwort and just a bit of trillium and placed it in front of Jewell's nose. "It's a tad bitter, but it'll help. Go ahead and chew them up and eat them." Having been through birth herself she could attest to how much those herbs eased things along. Of course she didn't want to give her too much at first if she could get through it herself.

Zuriel sat down near Jewell's side and placed one of her forepaws gently on her belly, carefully feeling for the pups. "You're doing great. Just let the contractions keep doing their thing, okay? You don't want to tire out pushing too early."

"Talk" "You" Think