
I see my future in your eyes



9 Years
Athena I
02-16-2018, 12:59 AM

The second that he saw the excitement in her face and heard her agree to his proposition a hope and an excitement he hadn't felt in years filled him up. His tail wagged just as fast as hers as he searched for any hint of uncertainty in her eyes until the disbelief in his head finally passed. He returned her nuzzles and just smiled. After going so long without a mate it had been hard to believe that he could love or be loved again and now that he had accepted that he had to believe that Carletta would actually want to start a family with him despite the fact that he was older and they really had no firm plans or home. They had love and for now that seemed to be more than enough.

He grinned as well at her insistence that they start now. "You don't have to tell me twice..." he said softly as he leaned into her, pressing his face into the curve of her neck and nuzzling into her fur. There were so many little concerns nagging at the back of his mind. Where would they raise them? Would be be around to see them have their own children? Would his older children get to meet them? For now he shoved all those thoughts away and just focused on this moment and enjoying being with his mate. Things would work themselves out, there was no reason to stress over it now. He gently licked her cheek and lead the way back into the den while he began to imagine what their future children would look like.

- fade to black -

"Talk" "You" Think