
The world keeps passing me by



10 Years
02-17-2018, 03:46 PM
Her wait wasn't a long one, and it was made rather peaceful by the distant sound of the rapids. She could easily have spent a long, relaxing day here listening to the water. But there was business to attend to. As Sparrow approached Caelum sat up, stretching her limbs with a warm grin as her greeting. Scanning Sparrow's features, she thought she sensed tension and used her characteristic motherly tone as she replied in reassuring manner, "You look tense, don't be! I've called for you with what I hope is good news." Her tail swung gently as the older woman beamed, ice-blue eyes shining. "I spoke with Zephyr, and we've come to an agreement. We'd like to stay as members of Abaven, if you're alright with that?"

Pausing to see Sparrows reaction and response, she hoped this was the right decision. Since she'd been spending all her time here after the Dragoste takeover she had no clue if the Abraxas still lived in Boreas. If they did it would be reasonable to worry that Abaven might be a target. That lead her to summoning the courage to bring up the next topic on her mind. "We also discussed an idea of mine. You see, once upon a time Zephyr and I were alphas ourselves of a reasonably sized pack. I'd like to extend an offer to help you in any way we can. I know that few in your ranks are fighters, and I think it might be well advised to start changing that, whether it's by ensuring everyone has the basics of fighting down or by seeking to recruit fighters into the pack. If I can help with this I would be more than willing to." Canting her head a bit, she chuckled as she added, "Zeph's a pretty good fighter, he might secretly enjoy a chance to do a little teaching even if he wouldn't say so aloud."
[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]