
STANDING ON THE EDGE OF A REVOLUTION[Morningstar's band meeting]



3 Years
02-18-2018, 04:24 PM
White hot rage tripped down her spine like an electric shock, as her aunt made an appearance. She dared show her face here? After all she had done? Had she come to pass the family curse down onto the unwitting pups gathered all around? Hackles bristled, lips lifting to reveal sharp incisors. If her father gave the word, the pale eyed bitch would be rent limb from limb before anyone could say otherwise. For once, she was in agreement with her littermate. Mammon's rumbling threat to their aunt resonated in her chest. Sathanus rose to sit a little closer to Divo and Forfax, who were out in the open. If something happened, no one would touch those two. The palest of the two was already holding the other close, wary of Uriel. Good.

Here came little Dominika, trotting out like nothing was wrong. Luckily, this one was smart enough to cuddle up to Mammon. She would be safe from the cursed bitch with her. Next came Bee, who smelled like buffalo shit and carrion. Revolting, but she felt brief fondness bloom in her chest when he snarled at Uriel. Good. Make sure she knew she'd worn out her welcome the day she'd stood by and watched her mother's be slaughtered.

Her father dared make that traitor feel welcome among them. Worse yet, he gestured for Uriel to sit near her. Salmon tongue slithered from the confines of her jaws to slide between her incisors, a clear threat. She wouldn't kill her, not without her father's say so. She had that much respect for him, and his own suffering at their hand. However, she made it clear that sitting near her, or the youngsters, was not an option. Get lost. Her hip brushed up against Divo's small flank as she settled down near them, crimson gaze boring holes into Uriel's hide. She came closer, looking terrified. Good. Be afraid. Feel bad. She sat a fair distance away, but nowhere near the rest.

"Thank you all for coming in a timely manner. Our first order of business is a small announcement. My sister Uriel and your aunt will be held accountable for the past no more, she has decided to join with us, as our head healer she will aid you should you need it, look to her for herbal training should you find yourself interested." Sath finally managed to tear her hateful glower from Uriel, to stare blankly at her father. What the fuck? What, all the shit they did, the heartache and suffering they caused, and a simple sorry gets them back in his good books? A low growl rumbled in her chest.

"Also Gabriel, your uncle, has been discovered to play no part in your brother's death, he is not to be attacked unless he attacks you first, in which case I will deal with him." Sathanus couldn't contain herself anymore. "He held you down while they tore into you! You're just going to- to wave that off?" Indigence clung to every syllable, disbelief coating her throat in bile. "Michael is still our enemy and will not be forgiven, avoid him at all costs, I wish to deliver his death myself." It almost went unheard, over her tirade. At least that made sense. Fuck! She was fuming!

"Next is my claim, I am hereby becoming the leader of a band, should you wish to join please state so now. Darya, Forfax, Divo, and Dom are claimed into my band as well. Their ranks are Wings, or youth as you may call it, either works." Her gaze fell to the pair curled up around each other. They seemed a little bewildered, deer standing stock still before death claimed them. Yeah, their father talked a lot. When she was young, she'd had that look on her face a lot. Too much shit all at once. It almost made her forget about the catastrophe coming to a head here- a thunderhead ready to dump on them.

"The rules are simple, respect one another. Follow orders if and when I give them. Do not make enemies of the area packs, as I will be moving to secure treaties with the ones that are willing to. We are a neutral party and will remain as such even if one of our allies go to war with another. Children born to those in the band will be claimed into the band immediately. Romantic relationships with minors is prohibited. Rape is also prohibited. And finally I don't care who you love so long as the relationship between you is mutual and I ask that should we have the space you bring your significant other to join us so you are not divided in your loyalties."

Alright, he sounded like a sensible creature right there. Yet, she was convinced that her father had gone off the deep end. Welcoming the traitors with open arms? Hell no, fuck no. Then, Uriel professed her loyalty. She wanted to say no. Wanted to tell her father to take a long walk off a steep cliff. Yet.. she looked at all those young faces, and couldn't let them weather her own fate. Someone had to protect those sweet hearts and untainted minds from the cruelty of their extended family. "Count me in." It was a stoic affirmation, made with stony features as she looked to her father. Someone had to watch out for these little runts.

"What's rape?" Divo suddenly piped up. Forfax looked just as curious to find out. Oh shit. This was going to be like teaching Dominika how to swear, all over again. Had her father found out about that yet? Since he hadn't tried to kill her yet, probably not. Mammon cut in, announcing that her and Leviathan were on board. Alright, so it wouldn't just be her against all of their shitty extended family.

Hatred and loathing came on the heels of glittering gold and shining alabaster. Gabriel. Her eyes narrowed, seething with rage. Before anyone could stop her, she looked down at the kids. "Rape is when you want to have sex with someone, and they don't want to have sex with you, so you force them to have sex with you. It hurts, and it's bad." She declared, and then got to her feet. The giant form of her uncle loomed before her, face battered and expression contrite. Fuck him. Hackles bristling, and tail lashing angrily, she rounded on him. He wasn't welcome here, not while she was still breathing.

"How dare you show your face here." Prowling forth, the demand came wreathed in rage. "You're the reason we have to pull ourselves together like this, you and your filthy family! Dad is obviously too stupid to see it, but you're no good. Worthless, all you do is destroy everything good. Get out of here, or I'll do more than tear up your face." She didn't care what her father had to say, or think. One thing wouldn't stand, not here, not with such vulnerable young lives at stake. He was going to bring back that cursed man, and he would kill their mother, and leave them to suffer as she had.


walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics
Sathanus is an asshole with no morals who loves getting into fights. Plz know that Denny loves you and Sath's acts are nothing against you (the player) <3