
[Iskra, alpha welcome here too]Give me a boost over heaven's gate



2 Years
Extra large
02-19-2018, 05:13 PM
I'll show you how a heart can never fail

Rory listened with rapt attention as Iskra explained why she was at the borders. It was odd to think that Iskra had joined a pack since they'd last met, but he was happy for her for the faintest of moments until she mentioned that they had been challenged. Even he found it odd that an entire pack showed up to support the challenger, but then again everything about this situation seemed odd. He mulled it over in his head for a moment as Iskra addressed Jewell. He certainly didn't want to jump to conclusions and assume and Abraxas had been the one to hurt Jewell.

He focused in again on Iskra as she turned to him to address him. Ears flicked forward with interest as she questioned about the other packs. The deal she had made with one of the Abraxas had him interested and he took a moment to think over his options. It would be all too easy to just hide away in their little corner of heaven and hope they weren't bothered, but hiding always meant someone would find you eventually. It was a lot like when he'd played hide and seek with his siblings as a pup. You could find a great hiding spot but eventually the seeker would find you.

"We'll increase patrols." He assured her quickly before moving on. "There is Dauntless, in the north, but I haven't seen Tyranis since he came to our borders. Since you've already met my Uncle Regulus, that leaves just one more pack. I'm already on familiar terms with Abaven so I can go with you if you'd like? It might make it easier in the long run and I could help you find these herbs." Two wolves were better than one after all. At the very least he could help her carry things and maybe make it easier on her since he already had met Sparrow.


[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]