
The Island of Misfit Toys



8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
02-19-2018, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2018, 08:34 PM by Armando.)
I can't do the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants thing. I gotta have some plot backbone or something lol so I have a couple ideas for the little thiefy island critters. These are only ideas. Anyone who's interested is welcome to add to, modify and reject these ideas as they see fit c: Casanova here is my dude. He's a little red panda who will eventually be decked out in baubles, carry a pouch full of poisons, maybe a dart gun (maybe??) and make weapons for his buddies. Oh, and nap a lot. Can't forget that.

BACKSTORY: so there once was a crow named Chauncey who had a thing for shiny trinkets. He stole and he stole, filling his nest so full of goodies that the branches supporting it broke and rained trinkets down upon an unwitting lemur. That unwitting lemur, after some choice words, was wooed into helping Chauncey rebuild his nest and thus, the merry band of smol thievies was born. Time passed and other leetle thieving types slowly joined ranks; the nest was expanded to a cave and then, after being raided one too many times by other marauders, was moved to a difficult-to-reach island. Somewhere along the way they acquired a moose. Also on the island somewhere is a cage full of captive potoos because why not.

Is that a silly story? Yes, yes it is. Feel free to do whatever with it (including propose a better one) so long as we can all agree on something.

HIERARCHY: I kinda like the idea of it being more or less anarchist. Perhaps a band of buddies who do their own thing but benefit in some way from living and working in a group setting. If someone wants to go raiding he tells everyone of his plans and anyone who wants to join him does under whatever terms they decide is fair for that particular raid/scam. Perhaps there should be some sort of head honcho. Maybe not a true leader, but someone who acts basically like a parent and keeps all the loose cannons from a) self destructing and b) taking others with them.

SIZE: It would amuse me endlessly if the bulk of this band was made up of little fellers. I mean, they are on an island. They do have spears and slingshots, dart guns and a tol moose. They don't need to be big and scary.

MISSION: lie, cheat and steal to acquire all the shiny baubles, be it necklaces or tinfoil candy wrappers. Casanova is up for the take-it-by-force methods, but his forte is a bit more...conman-esque. He's a pretty good fortune-teller and he can "talk to the dead". Shooting someone in the rump with a dart dipped in sleepytime drugs isn't out of the question either. Basically he's up for whatever scheme the others want to toss his way. He is a bit lazy though, so some finagling might have to be done to get him involved.

Got suggestions? Better ideas? Wanna join? -waves hands at reply button-

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.