
I've always liked to play with fire[Astaroth and lirim]



5 Years
Dire wolf
02-20-2018, 12:53 AM
"Perhaps we should!" A grin quickly formed on Astaroth's lips. The more they knew of the mortal packs; the more they could dominate and rule over them. It would be simple, really, if they could befriend the majority of the packs. 'Befriend'. Truthfully, it was another word for use, but it's not like any of them would know that.

Astaroth was just about to send out a call when first one wolf appeared, and he stood directly on the border, calling out to them. Hmm, was that an invintation to come closer? Well, she'd take it, coming to a stop a couple feet away from Frost. "Greetings," she murmured, though she didn't get much a chance to say anything else before a second wolf appeared, and she turned her head to eye the smaller - though not much smaller - male. She dipped her head in greeting.

"I am Astaroth, and this is Razi. We are from a pack in Auster, and we've come up north to see, and learn about the fellow packs in this land, if you don't mind? I can already see one thing - you have a great border patrol. That alone is to be respected." That much was true; she wasn't lying in the least. To respond so quickly to wolves on the border without a call was a combination of luck and good patrolling. Luck, because the patrol could have been elsewhere, but eventually they would have been found had they not been planning on calling anyway.
Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

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