
Manifest Destiny (old Glaciems)


07-05-2013, 11:04 AM

Late again, it seemed. Well, maybe 'again' wasn't the most accurate term. Ocena had never been late to something like this before. Then again, she'd never been involved in something like this before. Never been there for a pack to claim the lands of another, disbanded pack, somewhere far from their old home. But maybe Ocena could get used to it. Though she was sure that during her first few weeks she was going to be missing the snow that padded their old territory. She was going to be learning their surroundings all over again, and without the snow cushioning the rough ground, this was probably not going to be the most fun she'd ever had. And yet that still paled in comparison to the thought of the injuries that Gargoyle was still recovering.

Memories of her darling mate crumpled against the ground, dripping blood, made Ocena shudder and pick up her pace, loping across the ground with Galileo in tow as she headed towards the raspy howl that she had immediately recognized as Gargoyle's. Even with his voice dry and rough, Ocena recognized it instantly. It was comforting to hear him summon them all, like everything was okay and nothing had happened and they were still Glaciem instead of the new Tortuga.

Reaching Gargoyle, Ocena came to a stop, settling down daintily at his side. If Tortuga returned, she imagined she would have to relinquish this place and allow its old leader to stand at Gargoyle's side, but until then, Ocena didn't intend to share it with anyone but her children. Orica had already spotted her father, it seemed. The sight made Ocena smile as she glanced down at Galileo, gaze flickering around to seek out the form of Avalon. She couldn't see her other daughter just yet, but it didn't worry Ocena unduly. There were many other wolves who had yet to arrive. It seemed it wasn't just Ocena who was running late. Still, she had missed the news relayed by Crusade, which she was likely going to regret later.
