
Plots of the Shelby Kind



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
02-22-2018, 12:16 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2018, 06:38 PM by Shelby.)

Below you will find a list of my current characters in alphabetical order with links to their profiles that may or may not be up to date. I love love romantic plots/dramatic plots/long term plots. I'm also a fan of throwing wolves together that may or may not work out just to see how it goes. I have a lot of free time right now so I'd love to get into some more in-depth plots! The "looking for" sections are just suggestions so don't think I'm only looking for those things!

The only wolves not on this list are Casso and Elise since they aren't born yet, but I will add them soon!

Adore Agatsuma
2 Year old | Female | Single
Adore currently lives in Celestial. She is the product of what I thought was a fun plot idea that I haven't really gotten to execute yet. She's a little ball of fight-hungry, anxiety driven, approval seeking rainbow that's kinda gotten a little too "normal" for my liking. I'm thinking Celestial has been too good of an influence on her so far so I'm really hoping to get some interesting threads for her.
Looking for: darker influences, potential romance or fling ideas, fights, family threads

Athena Armada
9 Years old | Female | It's complicated
She's currently wandering the world with Ara and they are making their way down to Lirim. She likes Ara, she just doesn't fully know it yet. She was mates with Amalia forever and they had lots of kids via Vereux and Leo, but none of them are currently around. She's felt very lonely and abandoned, but she's feeling better with her new BFF.
Looking for: general friends, kids to adopt, Lirim connections, reconnections with Armada family

Baine Adravendi
6 Years old | Female | Maybe some hope?
She lives in Celestial and is just trying to live life and hasn't had real good luck doing it yet. She's a sweet girl that loves languages and tries really, really hard to be helpful even though she has some trouble with follow through sometimes. Right now she (maybe?) lives in Celestial (not really sure where she lies in the ranking there atm). She might be moving to Ruina if the plot with Acere pans out.
Looking for: Not sure yet! Will update once plots settle in.

Breasal Adravendi-Valentine
3 Years old | Male | Single
He lives in Lirim with the rest of his family and is a super polite, chivalrous young man. He's generally pretty relaxed about life and just takes it day by day. This guy I really just haven't had much of a chance to play around with. He keeps getting pushed to the back burner which makes me really sad. He'd be a great steady mate for someone or the perfect gullible guy that would fall for someone completely wrong for him. Either way he'd be super protective and lord help whoever hurts a hair on his lady.
Looking for: love, spars, Lirim threads, family threads

Daelos Adravendi
2 Years old | Female | Single
She takes after her mom in her intense love of all things herbs and healing. An easy way to get her attention is offering to go herb hunting with her. She's slightly less socially awkward than her mom, but I haven't gotten to explore her much. I had an idea when I made her that she would get distracted from her studies by love and get all starry eyed and love drunk over some guy. She loves the idea of having a real family with a mate and kids and has this whole picture perfect idea of it since she grew up with her single mother for so long. She's recently moved to Ruina after recently meeting her father Elias.
Looking for: romance plots, healing threads, Ruina related threads

Etain Adravendi
3 Years old | Female | Single
Etain is my sweet three-legged girl. She's having a tough time right now because her parents are getting on the older side, especially her dad, and her mother is pretty sick. Her brothers have been missing for a while, but as long as her current thread continues she'll be reunited with them soon. She just wants to collect herbs and learn about healing and try to keep being a sweet little ray of sunshine, but all these tough times have started making her a bit pessimistic and bitter. I think her profile still says she's in Celestial, but they recently left/were kicked out I think? Not sure.
Looking for: Friends, love interests, healer training

Jayne Adravendi
5 Years old | Female | Single
I'm in the process of updating Jayne's profile and getting her back into the site. She's been out with her brother Tiburtius searching for her missing sister, but they decided to finally come back since it has been so long. She's pretty resilient and even tempered, but the one weakness she has is falling in love very easily (justlikeherplayer I mean whut). I'd love to explore that part of her more, maybe have her fall for some bad boys she shouldn't be with or get her into some kind of bad relationship.
Looking for: A lot of anything really! Romance plots are my favorite though.

3 Years old | Male | Single
You can read up on Neptune's history in his profile if you want, but the TLDR version is he's had a pretty rough time already even though he's still young and he's personality has gotten quite a bit darker from the first time he was here because of it. I was thinking of sending him over to Ruina unless anyone has other ideas for him. Always need spars and training for him if nothing else, but I'd like to think bigger picture plots for him. TBH he's one of my favorite characters as far as design goes and I'd love to play him more.
Looking for: Anything really!

Oria Goran
8 Years old | Female | Taken
Oria has been traveling around for a long time, but she wouldn't have it any other way. She loves to explore and has an obsession with new and interesting herbs that probably is unhealthy. She and Hymn have a few children together. She is getting a bit on the older side so I'd imagine they'll probably find a general area and settle down soon, but in the mean time she'd love to give healing lessons and keep building up her obsessive collection of herbs.
Looking for: Healing training (giving or receiving), friends, exploration, family threads

Pyre Elementas
3 Years old | Male | Single
Pyre is a hot little ball of fire that will flirt and fight till the cows come home. I don't plan on him being the settle down with one lady and have a happy little family type, but he does have someone he likes. I'm interested in making a pack with him eventually so if anyone would want to help plant the seeds of that in his head or maybe recruit him into their pack so that he sees what it's like I'm all game. Also, if you're in need of a baby daddy look no further. No promises he'd be a great dad, but he has no problems with the making them part.
Looking for: more ladies to flirt with, all the spars, guys to be friends/rivals with

Roza Adravendi
4 Years old | Female | Single
Where do I even start with my poor Roza. She has two children who she was just recently reunited with. She had a mate and together they lead a pack. However, he was killed in a pack challenge/death match gone wrong and now she's a widow that doesn't really know what to do next. For now she's just trying to find somewhere for her and her children to recuperate, but I would eventually like to find her someone to love again. She's gonna have a lot of baggage, but she's too young to just not love anyone ever again. (Plus she makes some real pretty babies with those appaloosa spots.)
Looking for: Potential love interests, a new pack, family threads

Tiburtius Armada
7 Years old | Male | Single
Refer to Jayne's info for a bit of an explanation for where this guy has been. Here's the thing. All I want is for him to have a mate and make pretty kids. Maybe find a new pack and settle down and do the whole thing. HOWEVER. He's had two ladies that were either his mate or very close to being one that just disappeared right before the whole having babies part. He's a bit jaded on the whole love thing because of it, but I want him to find love so bad so he doesn't get a say in it LOL. He's getting older, I have to find him someone before it's too late!
Looking for: Love, obviously, maybe a new pack if his potential mate lives in one

Ulric Adravendi-Lore
1 Year old | Male | Single
Refer to Roza's info for a backstory on this guy. Ulric is still really young, but he's been though a lot so he's pretty serious and is kind of an old soul. He's very, very protective of his mother and sister and you'll probably have to go through him to get to either of them. Even though he has a strong outer shell he's still a kid and could really use some unwinding time.
Looking for: Friends, spars, a new pack, fun, (and of course romance cause it's my favorite topic if you couldn't tell).

Viho Adravendi
3 Year old | Male | Single?
I haven't had a chance to really do much with Viho yet. He's just recently got away from the island where he and Elpis had been kidnapped to and now they're slowly making their way back to Celestial to meet back up with his family. It's taking them a while since he's not entirely sure how to get back there since it has been a long time. They should be reuniting very soon though. He has a crush on Elpis, but nothing is official yet and in a way they're kind of best friends so would it be weird for them to also be lovers? We shall see! I'm open to pretty much any and all plots for them.
Looking for: friends, spar training, pretty open to most ideas

Zuriel Adravendi
7 Year old | Female | Taken
A lot has happened in a short amount of time in the life of Zuriel! She's been reunited with all of her children recently, as well as their father Elias, and is now living in Ruina with them. She'll want to go back to Lirim eventually to check on how things are going and she'll probably make her way over to Celestial to do the same thing as well. She'll be having more children as well soon enough so keep an eye out for that~
Looking for: healing lessons (giving or receiving), family threads, Ruina related threads