
brain like NYU



5 Years
02-22-2018, 11:41 PM

life is short, enjoy it while you're young

She had to give Divo credit for trying. However, it seemed pretty obvious that the youngster had simply been doing what pups did best- putting things in her mouth. It was no matter, most of the dangerous herbs didn't look all that tasty. At least, none that she had seen lately. "Ahmm..." The child muttered, and stared rather intently at the patch of dandelions. Perhaps she had overestimated her. After all, she was barely into her third season. Divo and her sister's were young, and it was easy to forget. They were all large children.

"Yellow." Divo said, with a startling amount of confidence. Don't laugh at the child. Don't, Olya. Your mother would never forgive you. It was so hard not to laugh in the face of such an answer. Granted, Divo wasn't necessarily wrong in her answer. With a broad grin, she shook her head.

"Not quite, dear." She murmured, stooping to nuzzle at the top of her head. "Those are called dandelions. Some say they resemble the mane of a lion, though I can't quite see it, myself." She explained, using a paw to pat her student on the rump and get her moving towards the delta. The lesson could be given on the move. There wasn't much time to find the fumitory in the morning, if they didn't hurry. Further damaging Divo's tender skin was not on her list of priorities today.

Opting to keep the child within her peripheries, she maintained a slow pace. Allowing the child momentary distractions, without derailing the trip entirely. "Dandelion is one of the easiest herbs to find." She began in a gentle voice. "We use it to boost the appetite- to make someone want to eat more food. That, or to ease their gut if they're having some indigestion- tummy aches." She had never taught a child so young before, in her limited experience. It was hard to make all of the information so easily digestible. A soft smile played upon her lips at the pun she'd just formed in her own mind. "If you grind up the roots- the little stringy bits in the dirt, you can use them to help with small skin problems." The water was rushing quite a bit faster, a little ways away. They were getting closer to the delta.
